OK, Part 3 might be a little snoozer but hey, it was my trip, I'm gonna tell ya how it went. So, the campers rolled out at 7.30 a.m. Extremely early. It was raining, dreary and just a sucky day. I left the track and headed to downtown Charlotte which was already cleaned up after the mayhem of the weekend block party. The city is sooo beautiful, you would never believe that scorns of crazy race fans didn't tear it up. Everything is so clean and orderly. I love it. I stopped at the ever-present free pamphlets on every corner. Most are realty brochures and job finders....ding, ding, ding.. Just what I needed.
Around 8:30, I headed south looking for a cheap motel. I was soo sleepy, I just wanted to find a place and crash for a couple of hours but as the hotel/motel world goes, check out is at 11 or 12, which means, no rooms until after around 2. I was soo sleepy but I drove towards Mooresville, swinging into Huntersville, also a possible place I might want to move and then on to Mooresville. I cruised by DEI but they were charging 3 dollars to park so I passed on stopping. I figure, hell, I'll stop tomorrow when it's free. Nothing was open because of Memorial day so I stopped at a freakin' Walmart...out of boredom.. *before I found the SUPER TARGET* bought some soda and munchies, grabbed a Mooresville paper on the way out and checked out the classifeds in the car for over an hour or so.
Around 1:30, I stopped at the Days Inn in Mooresville, same place I stayed in December. During checkin, the nicest lady waited on me. She was so friendly and we started a conversation. I told her I was here to find a job and move to Mooresville. She then proceded to tell me I should meet her son. She told me he is the tire carrier for 75 truck driven by David Starr in the Craftsman Truck Series which is totally cool. She said that if I needed someone to show me around tonight, she would call him and tell him a pretty girl was staying at Days Inn. I told her I would be fine, then she whipped out her pictures of him... OK, total hottie. I wanted to take back what I said about being fine and take her up on her offer. She kept saying I needed to talk to her son because we have some of the same theories and stuff. It was really really cool but I was sooooo tired I could barely keep my eyes open, plus I hadn't had a shower yet that day. She was soo sweet though and lead me in the right direction to job hunt.
I took a shower and a couple hour nap and it was around 6:00. I figured I should do something so I took out the map the lady gave me and started to drive around. I found a different way to get to the racetrack and to Concord Mills mall, hell, I figured I could do some window shopping while I was there. Not too often you get to go to a kick a$$ mall like that. So, I spent about an hour and a half in the mall, didn't buy a damn thing cause, hell, I'm unemployed. I headed back to the hotel, swinging by Toxic Hell...I mean, Taco Bell, and Wendy's for dinner. Tacos and fries, they should always be served together. I grabbed all my job papers and camped out on my king size bed...damn, I wish I was hangin' with the hot tire carrier.. Stupid me!!!
The next morning I got up, took advantage of the free breakfast and headed to the Employment place the woman told me about. 4 hours later, I had applied for three jobs, filled out all my information and was ready for another nap. 4 hours is a long time to set in an office and fill out stuff for jobs. One job is actually in the Mooresville library. I could totally do that. Anyway, went back to the hotel, took a siesta and headed back out. I discovered the SUPER TARGET which impressed the hell out of me!! A Target that has groceries too.. I would never have to enter a damn Walmart again!! I loved it!!! I almost applied but I don't know if I could live off of what I could make there so I resisted. Next time down, I will apply, definitely. I did buy some stuff from their dollar bins. I also checked out the PetsMart that is in the same complex and the Party City which is a store completely filled with party goods. SWEET!!
I swung by several apartment buildings and tried to find an apartment building I got a price from online. Yeah, that didn't happen. Got totally lost for like 2 hours. I did discover you can take the same road to get to Concord and then Kannapolis. That is pretty cool. Everywhere I wanted to be. I stopped and bought a paper in each town and headed back to the hotel. It was probably around 8:30. I hit the sack early, watching "Pretty in Pink." Wow, I live on the edge.
I got up the next morning and stuffed myself on the free breakfast and headed to DEI.

I walked around, viewing Jr's Daytona 500 car and other random trophies and checked out their showroom where you can see thru into some of the offices. Michael Waltrip was setting in a meeting and he waved at me. That was really cool.

The rest of the fans in DEI didn't even notice him in there... duh... I stopped in the gift shop, purchased Dale Jrs DVD, "Any Given Day" and decided to head home. I drove through downtown Mooresville and discovered the library. I stopped in and man is that place beautiful. They just got done adding on and it was awesome! I hope I get on there. I spent about 45 minutes checking it out and then headed home.
The closer I got to Ohio, the sadder I got. I felt like my face just started wrinkling up like I was aging 20 years because of the depression. It is the saddest feeling. I was very excited to see my animals though. I missed them the most, they didn't seem to care, but I sure missed them. So, as soon as I got home, I was back on the net applying for all the jobs I found that needed to be applied to online. One job, I know I could do well, I did get a response and they said they would contact me in two weeks when the deadline was over. I'm excited about that one. I know I could do it well. Monday is the deadline for the library position. I hope I hear from that too. I have already decided, before the end of June, I will make another trip down south. Hopefully not too long after that, it will be forever!! Anyway, that ends my trip. It had a pretty sad ending with me coming back but hopefully I will have a few good things happening in the future. I actually got a call today for a job in Athens. I need something to tide me over till I get down there. Nothing is going to hold me back though...Plus, Army Guy says he will do whatever it takes to see me when I get to NC again...
Smiles all around!!!