Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Trip....Part 2

DUNH.DUNH.DUUUUHHHHH...heheheheh...anyone who knows me knows exactly what that is... (think scary piano riff) Well, it's on to Part 2 of the Charlotte trip. Well, Saturday came with more people showing up and the atmosphere getting more intense. Today is the Busch Race. The true kick off to the race weekend.

Final Practice for the Nextel Cup teams will run directly before the Busch race and then the engines will fire for the Carquest Autoparts 300. OK, so back in the day when Jr used to rule the Busch series (he has two back to back Busch titles!!) I used to really get into the Busch races. Not so now. I don't really know any of the drivers, only the Busch-Whackers...aka, Nextel Cup Drivers who race in the Busch races and Martin Truex, Jr. who drives for Chance 2 motorsports owned by Dale Jr himself.

So, a long boring race with the outcome being the Lowes car winning at Lowes Motor Speedway *It's becominng a trend!!* we finally headed back to the campsite to chill. Of course, the guys commensed in playing horseshoes, the girls took the party walk. Tonight the place was hopping. Not only was the karaoke place hopin' but there was also a live band playing on the back of a flatbed truck. OK, so to add more drama into the equation, Mr. Single came down to attend the race. Yeah, that Mr. Single who was once Mr. Taken who I had a crush on. Well, Mr. Single is now Mr. Taken again by my brother's fiance's friend. I was strongly warned that I was not to mess around with him because she didn't want her friend to get screwed over. Hummm.... I get the vibe she didn't want me with him... go figure... Lisa was right yet again!!

Anyway, it got interesting when we were walking around. He was being really nice to me, chatting it up and stuff. Well, we got to the Karaoke site and my new older friend, she shall call her Crazy Lady, Crazy Lady went up and signed us up for Karaoke. I hadn't had hardly anything to drink, plus I spotted a guy I had ran into a couple of years ago, had a fling with and we never talked again... well, not true, we ran into eachother a couple of years later and talked but I didn't really wanna talk to him so I snuck to the other side of the party group. On this side I met Army Guy. So, me and Army Guy are hitting it off pretty well. So well in fact that I bring him back to the campsite to hang out with me. Mr. Taken didn't think much of that. It was really funny, his reaction. I guess you snooze, you lose. If he wanted me, he could have had me. Oh well.. It was nice to have a hot guy totally interested in me. We exchanged numbers and emails and we are staying in contact:) Anyway, Army Guy hung out with me until 3am and then he headed back to his campsite and I went to bed.

The next morning the group went shopping at the trailers again....[I forgot to add, on Friday I met Jeff Hammond walking to a trailer. Said Hi and shook his hand] I was feeling kinda back cause I was getting a vibe from one of the guys at the campsite that he was a little interested in me. Especially when he asked when I was gonna get rid of Army Guy... Anyway, He walked around with me and offered to buy me things. Sweet guy, just really not my type. While I was gone, Army Guy stopped by the campsite to see me. He left a message with one of the people there to tell me Hi. When I got back, I went in search of his campsite. OK, not smart for a girl to do the party walk by herself. You get tons of hoots and hollers and crude comments. I didn't find his campsite and that kinda made me sad.

We all got packed up and ready to go the the Coca Cola 600. The race we had been waiting for all weekend long!! We got to our seats and they were extremely high. You could see the whole track but couldn't feel a damn thing. We couldn't even see the fly-over... the Key part to Pre-Race.

OK, so if you watched the race, you would know that it ended up being terribly long. Like 21 cautions. The outcome sucked too. Again the Lowes car winning at Lowes Motor Speedway. Go figure. I think it's really fishy. Anyway, Jr was down a lap, got it back and then wrecked him and Mikey Waltrip. It wasn't a good night for him. Which made the race even more long for me... OH well, I could listen to his sexy voice on the scanner. It made it all worth it.

Let me tell you. The ladies who sat in front of me were freakin' chain smokers. There wasn't a time during the like 7 hours we were setting there that they didn't have a cigarette in the mouth. After leaving, I was sooo sick and felt like I had smoked a pack all by myself. That has to be the most inconsiderate thing a person can do. I choose not to smoke so I don't see why I have to breath in other people's smoke. Even Crazy Lady, who is a smoker, couldn't deal with it. It was nuts. I was light headed and whoozy when it was all said and done.

We get back to the camper and my Army Guy stops to see me. We hang out with about an hour and then he leaves so I could help load up the campsite. The trip is almost over.

I think I'll chop it up to a Part 3. Not too much interesting stuff happens but, hey, it's my blog and I'll write what I want. Tune in tomorrow for more!!!


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