Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Another Friday...hey, stranger things have happened!!!

OK, again Fun Friday. This one was gonna be toned down from the last one. Me and my bud were gonna get one drink at Court Street Grille and head back to his place to watch Napoleon Dynamite, one of the funniest, most pointless movies ever. So we cruised down town and Court Street was closed at 10:30pm on a Friday night...what is up with that?!?!?!?!? Well, my bud made the decision to stop at a bar I'd never been in before...kinda scary. Anyway, so we went in. When I walked through the door, someone started yelling my name. It was the girl from Court Street, the semi-hot bartender's girlfriend. So anyway, I asked why Court Street was one was there so they closed up. Go figure, home of the PB&J Blues Association, huh.. So the lady bartender comes over to our table and hugs me... OK, I had no clue who she was. I showed her my ID, she said she didn't need it, she knew me. I was still at a lose.

4 years ago, I worked at a gas station called by the locals, The Beacon. Tons of people, I mean TONS, remember me from there. She was one of them. It's weird. I get remembered for that job more than any other job. But I worked all the time. People come up to my all the time and talk to me about that place. I remember some but not all. It was pretty weird. By hey, stranger things happen.

Anyway, the bartender and his girl were gonna go to the other bar with the dartboard. I told them we weren't going because we were gonna go watch Napoleon. My bud vetoed that decision so we went to the bar and had to pay another dollar to get in...pisses me off!!! Anyway, the bouncer informed me that the guy who was hitting on me last weekend wasn't even a bouncer. He didn't even work there!! Geez... what a guy will do to talk to a girl...geez...

Anyway, on to the weird event of the evening. As soon as me and my bud came thru the door, this girl comes up to me. She said, 'did you come alone?' OK, dumb, I walked in with my bud. I was like, 'No, I'm here with my friend.' She said, 'Is he your boyfriend?' I said, 'no'. She said, 'well do you wanna hook up tonight?' I was like, 'what?????' She said that the guy in the booth thought I was hot and he was a cop and he wanted to hook up with me. She said he didn't care if I did drugs. OK, so how messed up is that??????? Freakin' crazy. I declined her offer and went to the dart board.

So, my dart playin' skills are declining. I lost every game I played. The funny thing was, the semi-hot bartender came over and played with us. He left his girlfriend at the other end of the bar. Well, turn on the flirting. Wow. Anyway, he kicked my ass at Cricket...actually I only had three more shots to win but he kicked ass!!! Everytime he would hand me the darts, it was the typical male hand-brush. Course I didn't mind. Anyway, it was again, a fun night.

Today, I'm setting at work, of course typing this. I did quite a bit of work for today and tonight there is supposed to be a big party. My girlfriend from Columbus is coming down so it would be a good time. Hopefully, Mr. Single will be there. Maybe I can work my charm but heck, I'm not gonna bend over backwards for him. Maybe there will even be someone better at the party, who knows!! I'll let you know what happens.



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