The Trip.... Part 1
OK, so I'm back from Charlotte/Mooresville. LOVE IT!!! I just love it down there... Since I had a fun filled weekend, I thought I would give it to ya in installments... OH the ANTICIPATION!!!! heheheheheh... Anyway, I would like to give a shout out to "Anonymous" for leaving some fun comments and being supportive!!! That is soo kick a$$!!! In my previous job, the term "Anonymous" caught a lot of flack but hey, feel free to use it whenever you want!!! Share you're thoughts and feelings.. this site is uneditted!!!
Now, back to my weekend... I got down to the campsite around 5:30 after a slight delay at the BMV where the ladies all had charm orders for me. It's cool that they like my charms...*shameless plug* Lisa's Custom Charms So I got down there and we went over to CTC Pole Night...aka qualifying. OK, so Jr didn't do all that well and the Rocket, Ryan Newman got the pole. Good for my bro cause that's his driver... After qualifying there was a crash car race. Picture this, derby cars running in circles crashing eachother. SUPER COOL!! Then a giant metal dinosaur thing ripped a car in half and torched it with it's fire breath. That was really cool to watch.
After this excitement we headed back to the campsite where the men commensed in playing horseshoes while the ladies took the annual campsite party walk. Every year you can walk around the campsites and there are parties going on everywhere. Everyone will offer you a cold one and shoot the sh*t. Race fans are soo friendly. Anyway, there is always a campsite that brings their karaoke machine and the party is always there. Not this Thursday night though, so we kept walking. I met a nice guy named, "PeeWee" at a campsite which graciously gave me 'beads'. PeeWee actually attends NASCAR Institute. Totally cool dude!! I also met a guy named Bryan or Ryan who gave me a ride on his golf cart and another old dude who took me for a ride on his pocket rocket!!! Now that was fun!!! Did I tell you that my old ex was with us and his fiance... that made it even more interesting... hehehehhe...
The next morning, it got HOT... Blazin' hot!!! We went shopping at the trailers for about an hour and then hung out at the campsite the rest of the day, baking in the sun. That night though was 3 Doors Down on Speedstreet!!! The girls got in their cute outfits and headed to downtown Charlotte!! OK, so if you are not a 3 Doors Down fan you would be after you seen them in concert. This happened to be my second time. After meeting "Steve-O" in the line to the port-a-john and getting our picture taken (not the real steve-o, I think his name was Dustin or Justin, something like that) we headed the rest of the way to the concert area which was already jam packed an hour and a half before the show. We squeezed our way to about 10 rows back and settled there.
Now, let me tell you, for a couple of minutes right after they took the stage I actually feared for my life. People started pushing and we were getting crushed into eachother. It was massive crazy.. But my new friend, we shall call her Lil Chic, Lil Chic had a method of backing people up... Dance Hysterically!!! It was awesome!! So, it was all worth it. Everyone else's sweat being rubbed all over your body to see 3 Doors Down rock the streets... totally worth it!!! I would do it every weekend to see those guys. They are as great in person as they are on their CDs... and freakin sexy as hell!!!! Just check out the pictures.... Yummy!!!

So, that ends Part 1 of The Trip. Tune in tomorrow for Part 2!!! C-ya!!!
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