Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Series of Unfortunate Events.....(gotta love Lemony!!)

Well, I am no longer a librarian. You know it's time to move on when you are driving to work and you think, "boy, if I just drive my car into this tree I wouldn't have to go to work." Course, I've been feeling that way for a long long time but push came to shove. It's scary, yes, but I applied for two different jobs and I am going to Charlotte this weekend so hell, maybe I just won't come back now. The last time I left a job around this time of year, it was life altering. It was in 1999 when I was pushed to the limit again and I walked out. I don't like to leave that way but when you lose it, that happens. Anyway, that was the year my brother had an extra ticket for the race and I decided to go. I fell in love with racing and decided that's what I wanted to be around for the rest of my life. Look now, pretty much the same situation but now I have my degree and everything to follow that dream. Sure, don't have alot of money but I figure I could squeak by...

I'll also have to give you a rundown on Saturday's party.... Let's just say WOW!! I didn't handle it as well as I should have. I have before and after pictures I'll have to get posted.. NICE!!!

And now, Page Two...get it, Paul Harvey reference...hehehehe So, I have had some comments from people reading my blog. I think it's awesome that people actually read this. Like I said in the beginning, I'm writing it for me, but if others find joy in it, cool. Anyway, so I guess I must be a pretty good writer because whenever someone reads it, they read it all. I know when I go to a blog, I only read the first couple of posts, I don't have that much time on my hands to backtrack and read every post but hey, they must find my personal life interesting!! That is cool. I would like to thank everyone who reads my blog and passes the link to others. It's nice to know that I have a voice and it's being read/heard. Gotta love that freedom of speech stuff...

Anywho, I leave for the race tomorrow. Today I have to clean out my car and pack my stuff. I guess it's supposed to rain all weekend down there....great. The last time that happened, we ended up mud wrestling. I don't know when/if I come back so it might be a while before my next post. Stay Tuned....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you! I cannot wait for you to get back and tell me all about your trip! Good luck!

1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it!!!!!!!! You were to good for that job anyways. Some of those people from the library need to get off their high horses and taken down a couple of notches. If the board and each other knew how two-faced the ones that hold a position of somewhat importants, they would think twice about having them in the jobs that they have. Every single one of them will be nice to your face and talk about you behind your back. Plus, it's a real shame because they talk about the board behind there backs too!!!!!! Your personality just threaten them because they don't have one!!! Plus, you have style!!!!!!!!

3:03 PM


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