Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Isn't it weird....

OK, so this Friday night I did nothing. My bud came over and hung out for a while and we watched the Busch race but other than that, I did nothing. This week had been interesting though.

Last Saturday I went to a party with my Columbus friend. It was a good time, saw alot of people, but I didn't see Mr. Single which is OK. I've given up on him. He's a lost cause. Anyway, so I have no prospects. No one to even be interested in. It's kinda bumming me out. I mean, at least when I had someone to go for, I didn't think soo much about being single. Anyway, no one really hit on me at the party. It kinda bummed me out.

So, this week at work has been pretty much hell. We are completely rearranging the place since my co-worker who fears change is on vacation. Boy is she gonna have a rude awakening when she comes back. Anyway, a guy came in and asked me out. Another guy I'm not interested in. Actually, you could probably say two guys. Both don't tickle my fancy. I mean, it's nice, don't get me wrong, but sure would like some hot skaterboy type to ask me out. (I know, weird, but that's my fantasy at the moment!!)

Well, a couple of my good friends broke up. It made me really sad because I know how upset the my friend is. It took me back to my breakup. The hindsight where you see everything you couldn't see while you were together. I just hope they have an easier time moving on than I did. They were together 18 months, two months longer than my past relationship. It's gonna be hard.

Speaking of which, these last couple of weeks have got me thinkin'. Thinkin' about two years ago when a high school senior walked into the library and poured on the charm to win my heart. Two years ago, at this very moment I was asking God if it was OK for me to be falling for a guy five years my junior. Two years ago, I had that giddy feeling you have when you are attracted to someone and you feel they are attracted to you. It was nice to feel that way. I guess feeling that way is better than actually getting the person and realizing they aren't everything you made them out to be in your head. It's very strange how we do that to ourselves.

A high school kid brought up my ex to me the other day. Asked me if I liked his new "box" in his car. I was like, 'dude, we have been broken up for 6 months, don't ever mention his name to me again.' Seriously, I'm letting it go, please, everyone else let it go too.

So, the Coca Cola 600 is coming up on Memorial Day Weekend. Of course I've got my ticket and will be heading down to Charlotte. My big thing right now is...Do I come back?? I mean, should I just stay down there and find a couple jobs to get me started and just do it. Just up and relocate. I mean, people do it all the time. I could waitress or whatever until I got a PR job. I'm sure I could squeak by. I just think that I could be really happy out on my own. I feel like such a loser right now and it's bringing me down. Way down. I need to be where people don't know me. A fresh start.

Of course a guy came in and told me he heard a rumor about me. It's something I didn't want everyone to know but I guess it's made it's rounds. It would suck if I were to ever become famous and that dirty laundry get out. And I guarantee it would. Freakin' people knowin' everyone else's business. It pisses me off!!!

Oh well, another week down. At least I'm not in a state of depression and eating freaking bon bons all day. Oh well, it's just weird...


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