Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

By special request....

OK, so I have been lagging on my postings. I've been kinda busy and I just got back from another trip to Charlotte/Mooresville. A high school friend of mine who's in the Army came in this past weekend so I hung out with him and his new wife on Saturday night.. It was a blast. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a long time. We sat around and reminised about the good ole days over some cold beer.. OK, so my friend had his single friend there, not so sutbly trying to get us together. It kinda worked in a way. Mostly because of the beer though. I did decline his advances however, because I really am starting to like my Army guy... I figured I would be seeing my Army guy when I went to Charlotte... WRONG!! I drove to Charlotte and he didn't come and see me. He wanted me to drive another couple of hours to his place. I would have, only he didn't give me directions... but, should I have?? I mean, should I have to make all the effort here?? See, for someone who talked about how much he missed me every day, it didn't seem like he cared too much to see me. And he didn't. I just got done chatting with him. He started out with how disappointed he was to not see me when I was down and how he misses me like crazy.. so I called his bluff and now he's mad and I'll probably never hear from him again. I guess it's better than dragging it out and then realizing "he wasn't that into me" throwback to the book I read a while back. I guess it really is right. Huh, go figure.

So anyway, I guess I'm back to completely single, having no one, Lisa. That kinda sucks because believe it or not, this guy really charmed me. He had me feeling like he couldn't live without me.... I guess it was just the thought of me he couldn't live without. Oh well, he's a man, like every other man I guess. Oh well, life goes on....

OK, so my trip to Mooresville was somewhat uneventful. I went and applied for several more places at the employment place. I was gonna go to the job fair but I got p*ssed off because I got in the parking garage and drove around for a half an hour and couldn't find a spot. OK, don't sell me the stupid ticket if there is no place to park... then I had to pay two bucks to get OUT of the garage... I wasn't very happy. I do know what I missed though, and it wasn't much. If I was a retail manager, I would have been good, but I'm not so I didn't miss anything. The coolest thing about my trip. The super nice lady from the hotel I was staying out.... the same one who wanted me to go out with her son, well, she took my numbers and told me she would call me if she heard of anything. She called me twice before I left and get me set up with a couple of hotel places. They might actually work out. One place was really really with really nice people working there. I think I would love to work there. I told the lady, the next time I'm down, I'm gonna have to meet her single son. I am soo impressed that I met people that nice, trying to help me out. I think that is just great. And she adores me.

OK, so my mind is a little preoccupied with my chat with my Army guy. I mean, I was right to be p*ssed that he made no effort to see me, right?!?! I mean, I drove four and a half hours to Mooresville and he's like three hours from there. He could have came and seen me right?? I would hate to think I got p*ssed for nothing and upset him causing him to never talk to me again. I think I'm in the right though. I mean, the road goes both ways but the funny thing was, I was gonna drive to see him. I would gonna do the whole love sick puppy act...AGAIN!!! What is up with that?? Do girls do that just because we are girls?? Why do we freakin' crawl?? And you know, I don't even know how well I liked this guy.. It's a very mixed up cycle I have going on here. If someone shows interest, then I don't want to let them go because just maybe, the thought that I have drilled into my head that "no one else will ever want me" is actually true and I will be alone for the rest of my puthetic life.... hummmm... that's a thought isn't it.... Maybe no one else worth wanting will ever want me... and the funny thing is, most of the guys who have wanted me, haven't been worth wanting, you know. None have had great jobs, been extremely intelligent, or even that nice of a guy. I guess I just take what I can get....which isn't much...oh, I think I need some ice cream........


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