Some people just don't understand....
Ya know, some people just don't understand things. I have friends that sometimes just don't understand things... but then I have a kick a$$ friend who just always gets me. She always hits the nail on the head... she always knows just how I am feeling. That's probably why we are so close. It's just really funny. Two seperate brains can function so closely alike. Weird!! Anyway, I had a long conversation with my kick a$$ friend today. It was good to be able to tell her everything that's been going on lately. We don't get to see much of eachother or even talk much so when we do, we make the best of it. Anyway, so I was totally stressing today about not getting any calls for any interviews. She told me not to freak out because I just want things to happen now. People need time to review applications and resumes. That eased my mind a tad and I relaxed alittle.
I got off the phone with her and a had another call. It was for an interview!!! FINALLY!!! It's not exactly what I want and it's a horrible drive but, I GOT AN INTERVIEW!!! I don't know if I will take the job. They will have to offer good money since I would be driving over an hour and twenty minutes but hey, it's an interview.
The funny thing is, I missed a call on my cell phone. I didn't know the number so I looked it up on and discovered it was another place I had applied for in Athens!!! I called them back but it was after hours, I left a message so hopefully they will call me back *cross-my-fingers* for an interview!! Athens is way closer. Anyway, so things are slowly looking up for me.
I missed a call from my Army guy today. That bummed me out but I did get to chat with him and he did put a big smile on my face. Gotta love sweet talk!! You know what, flattery gets you everywhere!!! hehehhehe...
I went to the library today to take back some books. My ex coworker told me to keep in touch. I miss her. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, even though she has a tough exterior. I remember one year, I had to work on my birthday. She actually stopped by with a flower, a balloon and a card. I will never forget that. That was the nicest thing ever. I actually had a tear in my eye when she left. She's an older lady but I really admire her. She's still going strong. Sure, she didn't work at my pace, but she gets it done. That's one great thing I got from working there. That and the fact that the old saying "hard work pays off" is totally false. At the library, "it's not how hard you work but how you play the game.... who's a$$ you kiss." A hard lesson learned. I still have hope that maybe someday I'll find a place that merits hard work. I gotta believe that or else this world is going to sh*t.....
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