Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Fun Friday....huh....

OK, so bare with me, my fun friday is still going. Yeah, that's right, I had a couple of sue me!!! Yeah, so Fun Friday turned out to be freakin' sucky Friday. We got the new shelves at work today, like we were supposed to...which translated to Lisa working her ass off her entire shift and 45 minutes after!!! So for 8 hours and 45 minutes I was working hard. Movin' books and stuff. So yeah, I needed a drink!!!

Anyway, went to Court Street Grill with my buddy hopping the hot bartender was working. Wrong.... it was a fellow HS alum working so that was all cool. I had a Budweiser Engery Drink before I got there (not too taste in the beginning then fruity after taste. Like Red Bull with Beer...interesting!!) then I had my first taste of Whiskey Sours!! Pretty darn good I must say.... I had two and a half and it knocked me on my ass!!! STill buzzing. Anyway, so funny story. I was there with my bud, doing the crossword puzzle out of the newspaper (I know, total nerdy!!) and the unattractive guy that called me showed up with his new girl. OK, very weird. So I'm setting there right, and the hot bartender from the weekend before comes up to me and asked me how the drinks were tonight. I was totally shocked. OK so he wasn't as hot as I remembered but totally dateable. I didn't give him my number and I didn't even get his name but he did say the next time I was in to come and mix my own drink to show him how I like it.... I'll show him more than that if he asked!! Just kiddin'!!! Now if Mr. Single would call me, it would be a totally different story. Anyway, it was a pretty fun night doing nothing but drinking and crossword puzzles and watching the Busch race. Pretty cool!! I might have to do it again next weekend!!! Hummm.. maybe I'll get the guy's name and phone number. He was actually chatting with unattractive guy when I was there so he could give him my number!!! hehehehehehee... anywho, I'm kinda sleepy!!! better, sleep this one off!!! I'll add more later!!! good night peeps!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

My Friday Night.....

OK, so this week has been very uneventful. I have noticed that my constant weightlifting while taking care of my horse has produced a kickass bicep which I am rather pumped about... That is very exciting but much to my dismay, I've put on two pounds....not a good thing, unless it's muscle then that would be cool. Anyway, so Thursday night, I was working and I received a phone call from a friend's husband. He asked me if I knew this guy he worked with. Of course I didn't but this guy knows me, along with another guy. I guess he asked when I was working and he was gonna stop and 'look at some books', but he never showed. That creeps me out alittle.

Well, I spent the whole week hoping that Mr. Taken...well, I'll rename him Mr. Single, hoping that Mr. Single would call and ask me out. Well, Friday my brother came over to mow the yard with his new mower. I don't think he wants me dating Mr. Single. Later that night I went to my buddies apartment to hang out. When I was coming down my driveway, my brother drove past. In the truck with him was his fiance and Mr. Single. Now, that makes Mr. Single the third wheel. Why wouldn't he want to call me and ask me out so he doesn't have to be in that position?? I don't get it?!?!?!? Damnmit!!!

Oh, and I also passed my ex on the way to town.....

Me and my buddy decided to go get a drink at a local bar, Court Street Grill. Court Street is considered the preppy bar and usually has live music. I'm not terrified to be seen in there as opposed to some of the other bars... Anywho, the place was busy and I went up to the bar. The bartender (kinda a hottie) asked me what I wanted to drink. I said, Smironoff Ice....he chuckled, they were out, I tried again, Ameretto Sour...Negative... Out of that too.... Of course this got me a little worked up seeing as how it was a Friday night and this place didn't have anything I wanted. So, I had to suck down a Bud Light... course they didn't have it in bottles either, I had to suck down a can...gag!!! Anyway, a guy was singing, not sure what about, but he was OK. I finished my beer and the bartender came around again asking if I wanted anything... I again asked for a Smironoff Ice..then an Ameretto Sour.. He said he got some stuff to make it so he whipped me up one. Of course, I don't think he used Ameretto... there was Bicardi Rum being poured and possibly some Tequila, but it was OK and it shut me up!! Heck, I even had another one, this was was even stronger because they ran out of sour mix. Now the owner was in the building, a bar stool down. I hope he heard my rantings!! I mean, come on.... Anywho, just thought I would share that story. It was kinda funny and like I said, the bartender wasn't all that bad looking. Might have to go there again!!

Well, I'm at work presently. You know your job sucks when you work 5 days a week and only have 24 hours!! Tell me if that doesn't bite!!! Yeah, so I'm bitter, sleepy, and fed up... I guess I should just call it quits... Oh well, it's Saturday, maybe Mr. Single will call me.... I truely believe that my brother is behind the lack of calling. I mean, from my previous posts, he seemed pretty interested in me and he's only met drunk Lisa.. yeah, drunk Lisa is super fun, but sober Lisa is still fun and cool as very smart and responsible. I think he would really fall for sober Lisa. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't....especially after you've met drunk Lisa.... You get to see the total package and I really am a fun person!!! Oh well, if not it's his loss.. I guess I should do some job hunting, to get my mind off things....Later Gators!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Kinda Cool....

My friend sent this little survey thing to me today. You are supposed to answer the questions and forward them to the person who sent it to you and the rest of your friends. You can learn alot about friends that you didn't know so I thought I would share my answers...
All are totally honest...
Have you ever..
Smoked Pot? No
Kissed Someone? Yes
Did a Cartwheel? Yes
Kissed in the rain? No
Had a pedicure?No
Played tennis? Yes
Swam in a thunderstorm? Yes
Drank strawberry milk? No
Been to California? Yes
Been to Florida? Yes
Been out of the country? No
Played strip poker? Yes
Played regular poker? Yes
Climbed a tree? Yes
Broken an arm? No
Broke a mirror? No
Punched someone? Yes
Ate Paper? Yes
Failed a test? Yes
Skipped school? Yes
Been out to dinner without your parents? Yes
Driven without a license? Yes
Stolen something over $30? No
Kissed someone of the same sex? No way
Been pregnant? HELL NO
Been to Walt Disney World? Nope, I'm deprived
Listened to NSYNC? yes
Played Spin the Bottle? yes
Drank Beer? yes
Been to six Flags? no
Watched MTV Video Clash? No

1. Nervous Habits? tapping fingers...tapping foot...chcw on cheek
2. Are you double jointed? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? sometimes
6. Can you cross your eyes? yes
7. Tattoos? Yes One
8. Piercings and where? nope
9. Do you make your bed daily? Whats the point?

10. Which shoe goes on first? whichever ones closest
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yes
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? 5 dollars
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? none
14. Favorite piece of clothing? lucky jeans

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? No
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? superman
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? probably about 6 boxes... half are stale
19. What's your favorite beverage? hawaiian punch light and Mt. Dew Livewire
20. What's your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden
21. Do you cook? only if it can go between two slices of bread.

22. How often do you brush your teeth? 2 times a day or more..
23. Hair drying method? when I want to look good, I blow dry
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yes..hehehehe.i'm not a natural blonde

25. Do you swear? Yes
26. Do you ever spit? yes

27. Animal? I can't pick. All my animals!! so I guess horse, dogs, ferrets, turtles and ducks....
28. Food? pizza, pasta and potatoes
29. Month? august
30. Day? Saturday during off season, sunday during race season
31. Cartoon? spongebob and the smurfs
32. Shoe Brand? whatever catches my eye...
33. Subject in school? recess, gym class...
34. Color? Orange
35. Sport? Nascar
36. TV show? The OC and ER and Friends
37. Thing to do in the spring? play softball, volleyball
38. Thing to do in the summer? go boating, volleyball
39. Thing to do in the fall? cabin parties
40. Things to do in the winter? movies

41. The CD player? total mix with ryan cabrera, ashlee simpson, the calling and three doors down
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Amanda, Kim, Anna
43. Ever taken a cab? No
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? only on the home video cameras on display in electronics!!
45. what color is your bedroom? blue and tye dye
46. Do you use an alarm clock? Yes, and it sucks
47. Window seat or aisle? Window

48. What's your sleeping position? on my side in a fetal position
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes, three...
50. Do you snore? whenever I'm sick
51. Do you sleepwalk? not that i'm aware of
52. Do you talk in your sleep? sometimes, I guess...
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? sometimes
54. How about with the light on? no way... can't do it
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? on ocasion

Why do people do that????

OK, I went to work yesterday and there was a note to call another coworker. One I don't see very often and don't even particularly care for. I decided I would call her right before her shift was over but instead she called me. When I answered the phone the first thing she said was, "I saw your ex the other day!" I said, " I don't want to hear about it. I don't care." She said, "No, just listen, I've been wanting to tell you this since last week. He was standing in [his place of employment] talking to a chick and..." I said again, "I don't want to hear it. I'm over him, I don't want to know what he is doing." She said, "No wait, listen. He looked over at me and said, 'I'm not as bad a person as SHE makes me out to be.' and I said, 'who?' and he said, 'you know who' and I said, ' I haven't even heard her mention your name.' and then I walked off." Again, I said, "I don't want to hear about him. I don't care if you see him, or what you say to him." The thing is is that I don't really bad mouth him at all. All I have to say is he cheated on me and people make their own opinions. Like most of the people I associate myself with, they lose respect for someone who has cheated. It is just morally wrong and the people I'm around don't want to be around people like. You know what, he treated me great then he cheated on me. Now, if he thinks he's a good person for that just because he treated me great most of the time, then so be it.

Now, the thing that irritates me is that he doesn't even know her. He just knows I work with her. That's it. Why doesn't he just let it go. What makes the difference what my opinion is of him? We are not friends. We do not associate with eachother. I don't expect people, including my friends, to not speak to him, although I prefer they didn't. I don't ask them if they do, I don't ask them if they have seen him and they surely don't tell me. I live my life like he doesn't exist. I am scared to pass him on the road but 99% of the time, that doesn't happen. Although I still think of him on occasion, it's not like I want him back. I reminice now, of the good times. The bad is still fresh in my mind, but the good times are slowly coming back. I am not grateful for the good times because of the bad, but at least I can smile about them. I have new interests, new friends along with my loyal old friends, I've moved on. More and more people are becoming my friends. Eventually, I tell them who I dated and why we broke up. If they know him, they think less of him. I don't know if it's because of the moral issue or that they think I'm a good person, whichever it is, it's not because I said he was a bad person. Hummm.... I wander what he says about me? I really don't care because none of the people he's assoicated with can hold a candle to my friends. They can think I'm the worst bitch on the planet, I don't care. Those who know me, well, they think pretty highly of me and they are much more respectable than his people.

Well, now that I'm ranted and raved... again, I just wish everyone would not tell me about what he does, I don't really care... but there are always those simple few. I guess I just need to deal with that. It didn't dampen my day or spirits so I guess it's all good. Well, I have a horrible cold and I've been in bed most of the day so I think I'll head back there now. It's kickin' my ass.....

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Love the drama....

OK, so my friend from Columbus came down this weekend. She's my drinking buddy. Well, Saturday night I had to go to a play that my cousin was in. It was 2 hours and 45 minutes long which sucked, but it was very good. Anyway, i had two bonfires to attend that night but I didn't get home from the play until midnight so I opted to just go to one. The one that Mr. Taken was at... Since he's not taken anymore, I don't know what to call him so we will just keep the name Mr. Taken.

My friend called me and told me he was there so I tried to think of my game plan. How do I act? Do I act like I know what happened or do I just play dumb? So, I played dumb. I didn't approach him when I got there, I waited for someone to say his name and then I did the whole...Oh....Mr. Taken, I didn't know you where here?? heheheh... So, he eventually came over and sat next to me. He asked me how I'd been and I answered. Then he asked if I had heard about him and his fiance. Another friend of mine had just told me about it again so I said I just heard it that night, so he told me again. Now, I take that as a good sign. I mean, I didn't ask him about it? He didn't need to tell me but he did. Does he want me to know that he is single now?? I mean, I flirted alittle but I don't know if he knows I'm interested or not. Well, my friends made it clear after he left, they called my brother, who he left with, and told Mr. Taken that I had a crush on him. Not really the impression I wanted to make, but that's what drunks do, I guess. So, they did come back and he sat next to me again but DRAMA exploded among some people and he ended up leaving. It kinda made me sad. I mean, I don't run into him all that often and I would like to at least be his rebound. I mean, seriously, I really don't know hardly anything about him so I can't say I want something serious. He seems nice enough but you know, nowadays with the Scott Petersons and that other dude who killed his wife, how are you to know who is good and who is not.

So Drama was the theme of the evening. After Mr. Taken left, I figured the party was over for me so I was gonna head home, well, another friend had my cellphone and was talking to someone so I couldn't leave till she was done. While she was on the phone, another group of vehicles pulled in, one directly behind my car... SHIT... So, I got them to move, but I realized who they were. One was the unattractive guy who called me a couple weeks ago. I had been avoiding him. Another guy, well, we'll call him Lil Man, was with the unattractive guy and I kinda had a history with him. Not a good history either. More like a drunk mistake history. I had also been avoiding him. Well, before I could get out of there, Lil Man pulled me aside to have a heart to heart talk about our last encounter. UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATION!!! Everything is cleared up but I will still be avoiding him like the plague!! He's nice enough but there are issues there. He did shower me with compliments and told me how much he liked me, but my mind was only on Mr. Taken.

So, given the situation that he actually told me he was single, how should I take that? Should I have just said, so when are we hookin' up?? Or did I do the right thing by not saying anything about that?? Did my friends scare him off with their phonecalls?? I think things could have went many different ways and right now I don't think they went the right way or at least the right way for me. I dunno... everything happens for a reason they say. I guess I just need to wait it out. He can get my number from many different people if he is interested. I don't have his so I guess the ball is in his court. Wow, I really hope he hits it back....

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Ho hum....boring....

Yet again, Loser Lisa’s life is at a standstill. Let’s see, last Thursday, a friend went with me to get measured for a bridesmaid’s dress for my cousin’s wedding. The woman measured me and I was impressed with my measurements but she measured me tight, I felt so now I’m freakin’ out the dress will be too small… plus, the wedding isn’t until September so that means I have to keep weight off till then. Course, hopefully, I’ll be thinner and have a killer body. Ha, I wish… Anyway, we had a good time though. We went to the mall and shopped. It was cool to hang out with her cause I hardly ever get to see her. That was a good time. Then, a group of friends went bowling Friday night. I had a great time but I was like the seventh wheel. I just realized that night how really single I am. That was depressing. I did get a free drink from our waiter though at BW3s. That made me smile a little. Saturday, I went shopping with my mother. Nothing says loser like being at the mall on a Saturday night with your mother.

I hit a state of depression that night. I realized I need to grow up. I need to get a real job, move out, quit reading Seventeen and Teen People magazines and quit shopping at American Eagle and Abercrombie. I need to stop buying happy meals at McDonald’s and I need to stop giggling whenever someone’s first name is Dick or I see the number 69. There are people from my class who have two and three kids. That’s not me, nor will it ever be but I need to grow up a little. I need to quit buying animals and save my money for important stuff. Boy it sucks to realize that I am grown up. I should already be at my career job. I should already have a place, a mortgage, stuff like that. I should be attracted to guys in business suits, not baggy, holy skater pants with shaggy hair. I need to stop watching MTV all day, every day. Wow… that’s a lot of stuff to have to give up. I guess I really don’t act my age. Maybe that’s why I am attracted to younger guys. It sucks. It really does.

So, now you know what’s been on my mind for the last week. Exciting huh. Although I’m lonely, I haven’t thought about guys during my depression state. More about how my life is a failure so far. I guess I do have some thoughts about a certain someone…no, not the ex… but I am just going to leave it at thoughts. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen. I’m not gonna seek anything out.

As for the ex, yeah, I think about him. It’s been over 4 months since we split. I don’t think about us being back together, I just think about how bad I was fooled. I think back to a year ago and what we were doing. Where we were at in our relationship. How happy I was to be with him. I just think about how niave I was to not see the REAL person behind his pretty eyes. That scares the shit out of me. I realize that I could be blinded again… I could fall hard for someone and not even know them. How do you meet the real person?? Or do you judge them by their past, their families, and stuff like that? Everyone always said, he seemed like such a nice guy. How can you tell?? Well, it doesn’t really matter now. It’s not gonna happen again to me. I’ve got my eyes wide open now. The next guy is gonna have to jump through hoops to win my trust. I know that’s not fair but its what I gotta do.

The moral of this post: Lisa needs to grow up. That’s pretty much it… after I grow up, maybe my life will get better…. Hummm….