Impulse buy....

my baby ducks
OK, so I did alittle shopping today. I actually had to get some horse feed and some horse treats so I went to Tractor Supply...low and behold, they had baby ducks and baby chicks. OK, so on an impulse buy, I got two baby ducks!!! They are the cutest things!! I haven't decided on names because I'm not sure if they are male or female. They love me though. They jump into my hand and on my lap and everything. So now, along with Molly, Bristol, and Stella: my dogs...Barbea, my horse...Sid, my ferret...Squirt, Thorpe and Phelps, my turtles... I have two cute little baby ducks. Some people say I'm obsessive with my animals... I just think I have soo much love to go around. I was surprised Mom and Dad didn't throw a fit. I think they know by now that I am pretty damn responsible when it comes to my animals and that I do take care of them.
Anyway, on a sad note, one of my best friend's grandma past away this weekend. My other friends and I went to the funeral home tonight for the viewing. I hate doing that. I don't usually so my friend was very surprised I came. I knew her Grandma meant alot to her. I'm glad I could suck it up and go. I didn't go to the casket or anything but I did talk with my friend. That's as best I could do. I prefer to remember the departed as they lived, not as they are dead. She was a great lady.
Well, I guess that does it for this post. Now that I've made everyone sad. I realize I need to spend more time with my only remaining Grandma. She needs to quit bringing up my ex though if she wants me to come visit. It seems like everytime I'm over there she asks me about him... guess what, I don't know sh*t about him anymore. I don't care to know sh*t. I wish she could just leave it at that. We will never be together ever again. I'm way to good for him. I wish she could see that... But, I still lover her. Anyway, well, I think I'll sleep on that.. Hopefully not a bad dream either....