Pictures of BarBea during recovery!!
I promised pictures of BarBea in the hospital. Well here you go!! I didn't take any when she was in surgery which was probably the most amazing thing seeing a horse laying on it's back on a table. But at that point and time I didn't know if she was gonna make it out so I didn't want to remember that as the last way she looked!!So here are a couple of pictures of her during recovery...

Here is a picture of her attached to her IV bags. There were four IV bags, a bag of plasma and a bag of "liquid snickers" nutrition. These bags are 5000ml.

BarBea had her stomach pumped to keep her from being uncomfortable. They would pump water into her stomach through the tube in her nostril and let it syfen out of her stomach...yeah, I couldn't watch this process and I was very thankful when the tube came out!

She looks puthetic but she feels 10 times better. She has one more month in the stall and then she can go out to pasture again. She's gonna be really excited when that happens. Right now, I walk her and let her graze for about an hour a day.

She had to wear a muzzle to keep her from eating her straw bedding. She hated that thing with a passion. I even got a short video clip of her running it against the bar windows in the stall just like an inmate with his tin cup!!! It was hilarious. It would have to be super frustrating to want something and have something covering your mouth so you can't have it. And they were only feeding her a handful of hay very two hours. She hadn't eaten for two days prior to that because of the surgery and the following day. Anyway, so there are the pictures all taken with my Motorola V551 Camera Phone. Not great quality, I know but it was the best I could do!!
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