Dr. Smith, Barbea & Me
Well, BarBea is now home!! We brought her home last night and she looks great, well besides her missing patches of hair and how skinny she is.... But she's bright and alert and excited. I'll post pictures when I have more time so you can see how she looked. On the way up to get her, my mom and I stopped at Meijers to get a fruit basket and candy for the doctors and techs in the equine ICU. They don't really know how much we appreciated them. Of course I think they will miss BarBea too. Many of them came over and gave her a kiss and a hug before we left, cooing about what a good girl she had been. She really was great. It's soo great to have her home. I just hope she continues to do as well as she is. Her staples (closing her incision) are due to come out on the 18th. After sixty days she can go to pasture again. She will be soo excited!!
OK, so I have a correction from the last post. When I said she had 25 feet of her small intestine taken out, I was wrong. Come to find out after talking further with the doctors, they LEFT 25 feet of the 60 feet of her small intestine, therefore they removed 35 feet. OK so that is a ton!! They believe she will function fine with that much intestine removed so I hope they are right.
This morning I went out to do my chores and it was great that she was there to greet me. It's funny how I can love something soo much and it not be a person. There is not too many people in this world that I love more than my animals. I guess its because they don't fake anything, they don't lie, they love you unconditionally. They rely on you, depend on you and love you for it. They don't judge or backtalk, they just listen. I know that there are millions of people in the world who are not animal lovers. I feel sorry for these people because they truly don't know what they are missing out on. People need to open their eyes and give animals the same respect they give to fellow humans. We were all put on this planet together to live in peace. I think that's how it needs to be. Animals are not servants, but rather companions and comrads. At least that is the way I see it.....
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