Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Series of Unfortunate Events.....(gotta love Lemony!!)

Well, I am no longer a librarian. You know it's time to move on when you are driving to work and you think, "boy, if I just drive my car into this tree I wouldn't have to go to work." Course, I've been feeling that way for a long long time but push came to shove. It's scary, yes, but I applied for two different jobs and I am going to Charlotte this weekend so hell, maybe I just won't come back now. The last time I left a job around this time of year, it was life altering. It was in 1999 when I was pushed to the limit again and I walked out. I don't like to leave that way but when you lose it, that happens. Anyway, that was the year my brother had an extra ticket for the race and I decided to go. I fell in love with racing and decided that's what I wanted to be around for the rest of my life. Look now, pretty much the same situation but now I have my degree and everything to follow that dream. Sure, don't have alot of money but I figure I could squeak by...

I'll also have to give you a rundown on Saturday's party.... Let's just say WOW!! I didn't handle it as well as I should have. I have before and after pictures I'll have to get posted.. NICE!!!

And now, Page Two...get it, Paul Harvey reference...hehehehe So, I have had some comments from people reading my blog. I think it's awesome that people actually read this. Like I said in the beginning, I'm writing it for me, but if others find joy in it, cool. Anyway, so I guess I must be a pretty good writer because whenever someone reads it, they read it all. I know when I go to a blog, I only read the first couple of posts, I don't have that much time on my hands to backtrack and read every post but hey, they must find my personal life interesting!! That is cool. I would like to thank everyone who reads my blog and passes the link to others. It's nice to know that I have a voice and it's being read/heard. Gotta love that freedom of speech stuff...

Anywho, I leave for the race tomorrow. Today I have to clean out my car and pack my stuff. I guess it's supposed to rain all weekend down there....great. The last time that happened, we ended up mud wrestling. I don't know when/if I come back so it might be a while before my next post. Stay Tuned....

Saturday, May 21, 2005

I saw it...*coughNERDcough*

OK, so I went and seen Star Wars with a friend of mine. We went to a dinky little cinema for the early movie and when we got our tickets, there was only 22 seats left. Luckily there were two seats in the back row for us. It was OK. It wasn't fantastic. It is nice to know how Darth Vader became Darth Vader. I guess I don't give any details for those of you who are gonna run out and see it. It was no Lord Of The Rings: Return of The King. Now, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiansen) looked really good. He must have worked out and bulked up a little. Yeah, that was nice to look at.

Anyway, since I can't endulge on the movie details, I guess I'll just cut this post short. Tonight is the Big Party so maybe I'll have some good stories for tomorrow's post. I don't know though. Oh well, the countdown to Charlotte - 5 days and counting. Maybe Dale Jr will sweep me off my feet....don't laugh, I can dream can't I??!?!?!??!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Star Wars.....

So, the new Star Wars movie is coming out tonight at midnight. Well well well... I'm not in line to see it. I will see it, but I am not a fan of these prequels. Now, the first Star Wars trilogy, they were awesome. I loved them. Anyway, me and my ex went to see the midnight showing of Spiderman 2 which freakin' rocked. Anyway, when we were going in, I said, 'the fanatics usually come to this showing, we might even see someone dressed up like Spidey.' He said, 'nah, it's not like we are going to a KISS concert.' Sure enough, after we bought our tickets, right behind us came Spidey himself. We actually seen that movie right after I found three girls' numbers in his cell. I actually sat in the theater and wondered if the girls that were there, were the girls in his phone. It didn't make for a fun night.

Anyway, as I relive something I shouldn't, the whole week me and my friends have been preparing for the Big Party!! The Big Party that is next door to my exes home. Now friends assured me he was not invited, that he won't show up. I'm not gonna let him ruin my time with my best friends, celebrating her earning her Master's Degree. It should be an awesome time.

Today at work was a party day. The kids do a reading program all year long and at the end they celebrate. Today was a Waterslide. OK, so I didn't come prepared to participate but the kids started chanting, "LISA LISA" so I had to give the crowd what they wanted. Talk about fun!!! Anyway, here's a picture!!

A funny thing happened to me last night. I sat down on the couch and got stung on my a$$... Can you believe that??? I freakin' wasp was on the couch and stung me. I thought they died after they stung but I guess not. Now he's probably flying around telling all his buddies he gave it to me in the a$$... that pisses me off!!!

Ha, yeah, I know, I'm stupid, but I'm the coolest freakin' Librarian, that's for sure!! Anyway, so next weekend I'm headed to Charlotte. I can't wait!! I am sooo excited!!! I am gonna let loose and have a great time!!! Maybe I won't even come back. That would make me soo happy...

You know what puts a smile on my face day after day??? My horse, Barbea. She is doing soo great now. She looks fabulous and she's just doing so great after her ordeal. Also, everyday, I just smile because my animals are the greatest things. They are just soo full of love for me, it's amazing. At times when I feel lonely and unwanted, they pick me up. I've been feeling that way alot here lately. It's just a phrase. I mean, everytime when I am single, I go thru this phrase.

See, tell me how these pictures can not put a smile on your face!! Bristol and Molly.

I am doing really great though. I really am. I have guys that flirt with me, and tell me I'm beautiful. Some days, I feel beautiful, some days I don't. I know I'm not hideous and that's a big step up from where I used to be. I used to be such a tomboy and thought no one would ever want me. Now, I realize that I just don't want medicore, like I have been dating, I want spectacular!! I want AMAZING!! I want someone like ME!!! OK, so that sounds totally conceded, but really. I want someone like me that can always make people laugh, even on the worst days. I realized I can do that. A new co-worker spent the day with me yesterday and she never stopped laughing. I like that. I like knowing I have that affect on people. I don't know how I do it, but I love it. That's what I want, I want someone exactly like my father. Heck, even someone half the man of my father, because my father is the best man I have ever met. He's close to perfect. I guess every girl wants that though. I guess that's a steep order to fill....

Here, a parting shot to leave you with a smile. Here's Stella!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Isn't it weird....

OK, so this Friday night I did nothing. My bud came over and hung out for a while and we watched the Busch race but other than that, I did nothing. This week had been interesting though.

Last Saturday I went to a party with my Columbus friend. It was a good time, saw alot of people, but I didn't see Mr. Single which is OK. I've given up on him. He's a lost cause. Anyway, so I have no prospects. No one to even be interested in. It's kinda bumming me out. I mean, at least when I had someone to go for, I didn't think soo much about being single. Anyway, no one really hit on me at the party. It kinda bummed me out.

So, this week at work has been pretty much hell. We are completely rearranging the place since my co-worker who fears change is on vacation. Boy is she gonna have a rude awakening when she comes back. Anyway, a guy came in and asked me out. Another guy I'm not interested in. Actually, you could probably say two guys. Both don't tickle my fancy. I mean, it's nice, don't get me wrong, but sure would like some hot skaterboy type to ask me out. (I know, weird, but that's my fantasy at the moment!!)

Well, a couple of my good friends broke up. It made me really sad because I know how upset the my friend is. It took me back to my breakup. The hindsight where you see everything you couldn't see while you were together. I just hope they have an easier time moving on than I did. They were together 18 months, two months longer than my past relationship. It's gonna be hard.

Speaking of which, these last couple of weeks have got me thinkin'. Thinkin' about two years ago when a high school senior walked into the library and poured on the charm to win my heart. Two years ago, at this very moment I was asking God if it was OK for me to be falling for a guy five years my junior. Two years ago, I had that giddy feeling you have when you are attracted to someone and you feel they are attracted to you. It was nice to feel that way. I guess feeling that way is better than actually getting the person and realizing they aren't everything you made them out to be in your head. It's very strange how we do that to ourselves.

A high school kid brought up my ex to me the other day. Asked me if I liked his new "box" in his car. I was like, 'dude, we have been broken up for 6 months, don't ever mention his name to me again.' Seriously, I'm letting it go, please, everyone else let it go too.

So, the Coca Cola 600 is coming up on Memorial Day Weekend. Of course I've got my ticket and will be heading down to Charlotte. My big thing right now is...Do I come back?? I mean, should I just stay down there and find a couple jobs to get me started and just do it. Just up and relocate. I mean, people do it all the time. I could waitress or whatever until I got a PR job. I'm sure I could squeak by. I just think that I could be really happy out on my own. I feel like such a loser right now and it's bringing me down. Way down. I need to be where people don't know me. A fresh start.

Of course a guy came in and told me he heard a rumor about me. It's something I didn't want everyone to know but I guess it's made it's rounds. It would suck if I were to ever become famous and that dirty laundry get out. And I guarantee it would. Freakin' people knowin' everyone else's business. It pisses me off!!!

Oh well, another week down. At least I'm not in a state of depression and eating freaking bon bons all day. Oh well, it's just weird...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Another funny thing from this past week...

OK, so I have been going to the tanning bed because I won free sessions at the craft fair. Well, I was setting in traffic with my music blaring and there was a blonde haired guy in a truck behind me. I had a hat on and wasn't looking all that cute. Anyway, the guy was on his cellphone. While I was waiting for the light to turn to come off the bridge, I heard someone yelling. My music was soo loud that I couldn't hear what was said. I looked back and the guy, who was kinda cute, had his head stuck out his window yelling something at me. He just kept yelling things. Of course, I didn't have time to turn my music down because the light turned but even as he was turning in the opposite direction as me, he was still yelling at me... I don't know what he was saying... It's a mystery...

I also passed my ex in town. Didn't bother me, I looked hot and his face looked chubby.

I smiled!!

Another Friday...hey, stranger things have happened!!!

OK, again Fun Friday. This one was gonna be toned down from the last one. Me and my bud were gonna get one drink at Court Street Grille and head back to his place to watch Napoleon Dynamite, one of the funniest, most pointless movies ever. So we cruised down town and Court Street was closed at 10:30pm on a Friday night...what is up with that?!?!?!?!? Well, my bud made the decision to stop at a bar I'd never been in before...kinda scary. Anyway, so we went in. When I walked through the door, someone started yelling my name. It was the girl from Court Street, the semi-hot bartender's girlfriend. So anyway, I asked why Court Street was one was there so they closed up. Go figure, home of the PB&J Blues Association, huh.. So the lady bartender comes over to our table and hugs me... OK, I had no clue who she was. I showed her my ID, she said she didn't need it, she knew me. I was still at a lose.

4 years ago, I worked at a gas station called by the locals, The Beacon. Tons of people, I mean TONS, remember me from there. She was one of them. It's weird. I get remembered for that job more than any other job. But I worked all the time. People come up to my all the time and talk to me about that place. I remember some but not all. It was pretty weird. By hey, stranger things happen.

Anyway, the bartender and his girl were gonna go to the other bar with the dartboard. I told them we weren't going because we were gonna go watch Napoleon. My bud vetoed that decision so we went to the bar and had to pay another dollar to get in...pisses me off!!! Anyway, the bouncer informed me that the guy who was hitting on me last weekend wasn't even a bouncer. He didn't even work there!! Geez... what a guy will do to talk to a girl...geez...

Anyway, on to the weird event of the evening. As soon as me and my bud came thru the door, this girl comes up to me. She said, 'did you come alone?' OK, dumb, I walked in with my bud. I was like, 'No, I'm here with my friend.' She said, 'Is he your boyfriend?' I said, 'no'. She said, 'well do you wanna hook up tonight?' I was like, 'what?????' She said that the guy in the booth thought I was hot and he was a cop and he wanted to hook up with me. She said he didn't care if I did drugs. OK, so how messed up is that??????? Freakin' crazy. I declined her offer and went to the dart board.

So, my dart playin' skills are declining. I lost every game I played. The funny thing was, the semi-hot bartender came over and played with us. He left his girlfriend at the other end of the bar. Well, turn on the flirting. Wow. Anyway, he kicked my ass at Cricket...actually I only had three more shots to win but he kicked ass!!! Everytime he would hand me the darts, it was the typical male hand-brush. Course I didn't mind. Anyway, it was again, a fun night.

Today, I'm setting at work, of course typing this. I did quite a bit of work for today and tonight there is supposed to be a big party. My girlfriend from Columbus is coming down so it would be a good time. Hopefully, Mr. Single will be there. Maybe I can work my charm but heck, I'm not gonna bend over backwards for him. Maybe there will even be someone better at the party, who knows!! I'll let you know what happens.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Me and my Fridays...

So I guess I have designated Friday as my party night. I go to my bud's apartment and we go out. This Friday, first we drank a little at his apartment just shooting the shit. Then we headed to Court Street Grill. Again, there was no one in there. The former EHS Alum was the bartender again and I got my whiskey sour and took a seat. I turned around and noticed the bartender was on the phone and he looked at me a couple of times. The next thing I know, the kinda hot (the more I see him, the less attractive he is) bartender walks in with a girl I used to work with. She introduced us after he made a comment to me about my drink. So anyway, they are dating. It was funny cause when she was introducing us, he wouldn't make eye contact and said, "yeah, we've already met." Ha, so he's not an innocent boyfriend. I dunno. It was just kinda weird. Anyway, so I had another whiskey sour and my bud decided we should go down the street to another bar to play darts... OK, so I am like psycho obsessed with darts now!!

Anyway, so we go to the other popular bar in town and had to pay a dollar to get it... pissed me off!! I told the bouncer, (an older guy who wasn't bad lookin') I wanted my dollar back if the place sucked. So I went up and go an amaretto sour (about time a bar has this!! and it was only $1.50) and went to the dart board. My bud put in too many quarters so the bouncer said he would play with us... He was totally flirting but me being with my bud, everyone things we are dating. But bouncer asked me if he was my boyfriend and I said, 'no, he's my best friend.' OK, so let the macking begin. I mean if this guy poured it on any He kept trying to get me to bet that if he beat me at darts, I would go home with him. He was 39 and divorced. It was nice to be hit on. I mean, I enjoyed that. I had a good time but then I came home and realized....I really want Mr. Single and I don't think I'm ever gonna get him. I need to find someone else to be interested in. I'll give Mr. Single until next weekend at a big party to suck it up and make his move: if not, he's gonna miss out on a great thing!

In other news... One of my best friends is graduating with her Masters and is going to have a graduation party. Well, the location of her graduation party happens to be at the next door neighbor of my ex boyfriends. Isn't that SUPER!! I know he'll show up. It's at the house of her sister's sister-in-law. I mean, who would figure the party would be there? So I told her I didn't know if I would come. She pretty much told me I needed to get over it but you know, why put myself in a situation when I don't need to. And I'm usually the life of the party so we'll see how everyone likes a party with no drunk Lisa. Well they can have my ex. I'm sure he'll be a blast (Mr. No Personality)!! Oh well, if I can get Mr. Single then I'll go if I have a date I'm interested in. If not, I won't go and my friend can just deal with it.

Anyway, another thing.. I noticed guys don't like to wash their hands after using the bathroom. What is up with that???? Really freaks me out...but to each his own I guess... Just don't touch me!!