Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm sooo old now....

Well, don't you hate it when you quit getting carded at the bars. It's a sign that your old and I'm now the ripe old age of 27 almost 30 and it sucks. I had a great birthday though. My friends at work had a little party for me which was totally fun... I got some beautiful flowers from an admirer and my friends took me out for drinks after work. It was all in all a good birthday. One friend introduced me to another prospective guy. He wasn't too bad. It was a really strange night with admirers all over the place. You know, when those flowers showed up, a very small part of me wished they were from the ex... Not to get back together or anything, just to be nice. I mean it wasn't a bad breakup and I feel like people think it was. Heck, maybe he thinks it was, I don't know. All I know is, I did nothing to hurt him, and he did nothing to hurt me. It wasn't bitter....until his mother got in it. Oh well, I don't really care. He didn't get me anything last year when we were dating AND living together so why would I think he would get me something this year?!?!?! Dumb I guess..

I've been good. I've been hanging with a new guy friend...key word is friend. For some reason, right now I'm in this place where I'm not attracted to anyone. I'm just kinda living for myself. It's not a bad place at all. I've set my standards alot higher than they have been, hell, maybe unreachable. But with the amount of suitors I have asking me out, I don't think it's too wrong of me to aim high. I mean, I really believe I deserve to be treated great. I'm not settling this time. I settled with all the others and I got hurt. I got hurt by someone that wasn't even what I really wanted. That time has passed. I am 27 years old and I've learned from my mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I'm still making them, but I have a mental notebook with a list of the things I don't want in life. A compilation of all my past relationships. I also have a very small list of the things I liked from my past relationships, and qualities I would like to find in my next possible man.

I think I'm right where I need to be...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Talladega Nights!!!

OK, movie review time!! Talladega Nights was funny as hell!!! It was awesome. If you love stupid humor which I do then you will love this movie. It is definitely worth the 8 bucks to see it and totally worth the 20 to buy it when it comes out on DVD... Will Ferrell actually hit the nail on the head!! Totally hilarious...Plus, Dale Earnhardt Jr. makes a cameo appearance in it!!!

So, I waited and waited to see this movie but got stood up by the person who wanted to see it with me so I took another friend. I probably enjoyed it more anyway than I would have.

Great movie.... Great cast.... Great story... Go see it. Everyone needs a good laugh!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


I know I haven't posted in awhile... I guess if I can't complain about the ex, then I really didn't have anything to say... For a moment, I'm going to bring him out of retirement. I have let go. Even though he has called and I have spoken to him, I have let him go. I was attempting to just be his friend but its now totally totally clear that that could NEVER happen!! He called last week and wanted me to see a movie with him. I agreed... well, he stood me up again. I wasn't too surprised by it because of the events that occurred the night before. A friend of mine asked me to a party. I first made sure he wasn't going to be there before I decided to go. He wasn't which was good. BUT his mother WAS there. This made me rather uncomfortable but since I didn't drive there, I rode with my friend, I couldn't rightfully leave. As the night wore on, I just avoided her but she stared and watched me the entire time. After I got in the hot tub with some other drunks with her eyes burning holes in me, she got up to leave. I got out of the hot tub and went and changed clothes. As I stopped in the kitchen to get myself another drink, someone pushed me from behind....then got in my face and called me a "Whore".... yep, it was the ex's mother... Who does that??? I haven't been with her son in two months. I didn't do anything to her... I didn't go near her... WTF.... It is completely obvious that I just need to basically not hang out with any part of my former friends. The sad part was, there was one person that was by my side, a true friend, and she confronted her too... just because she was hanging out with me... It's a sad day when a grown mother of 5 decides to confront her son's exgirlfriend. I was the bigger person. I said nothing and did nothing. I'm completely done.

In other news, I have a new guy friend that I have been hanging out with. He thinks I'm a great person and that makes me feel good. After all this shit, he still can't believe I ever dated my ex. So, don't think for a minute that my life is bad and I'm setting around moping because I'm definitely not. I'm doing really really good...