Remembering Molly.....
Tonight, my best friend died. Although she is hundreds of miles away from me, I am still hurting. I received a phone call from my parents. Molly was sick. My best friend for 16 years, who has loved me unconditionally without question for 16 years is gone. I hope she went peacefully. I wish I could have been holding her when she went... but I wasn't. I hope she realized how much I loved her and how I will miss her. All dogs go to heaven right?!?!?!
I remember when I was 10 and I got her, she was soo cute. There is a message on the garage wall to this day, "I love Molly". I cut it in the insulation; 16 years ago. Wow, how the time flys by. I always told myself that Molly would never die. She would outlive me... That is the hardest thing to come to terms with right now. I guess she's in a better place. No more pain and hurting.
I remember one time, she got in trouble for going in my grandmas house because someone left the door open. My dad drug her all the way back home and tied her up. After that, I promised her I would never let anyone hurt her. She got in trouble again and Dad came after her, she ran behind me for protection and never again did she get in trouble. Don't get me wrong, my Dad loved her just as much as me. We shared her and since I have been gone, Dad has really stepped up and taken care of her.
I'm at work right now. Surrounded by my new people and new friends. Far away from my comfort zone of family and friends. I will be driving home tomorrow. I will mourn the passing on my best friend...
5/23/1990 - 3/23/2006.
Rest in peace dear friend.