Mardi Gras!!!! NC Style!!!!
Well well well.... I've been having a great time lately!!! Workin' out three or four days a week, feeling great!!! It's going really good.... The man thing is going really good too but I'm not gonna write about that. I AM gonna write about my bar trip with some girls that I hung out with... OK, so we all met at a Pure Romance (dildo/adult toy party) and decided to hit the NV Lounge for Mardi Gras night. The boys decided to do a boys night out since the girls were all buying toys!! Anyway, as you can tell by my picture, I had a freakin' awesome time!! All innocent but totally fun!! You can see all the pictures from that night at under photos, NV Lounge Mardi Gras 2/25) but here's my favorite.

I'll admit that I was a tad bit liquered up but it was a blast!! The place was packed and everyone was totally cool. It was a big change from the last time I was there when I was really down on myself. I realize that being happy and in a bar is totally different from being depressed in a bar. And I was with my closest girlfriend down here so that was really cool too. Even her fiance came and we had soo much fun. She's more like my friends up home. Not really into the bar scene but when she goes out, she has a great time!! It was totally awesome and it's something I will remember for a long long time. Gawd, it's good to be happy....
I have been getting some really nice emails from people who read my blog. I want people to know that they are not alone... just as I am not alone whenever I'm down. Be it friends or strangers, someone is always there for me with kind words and I'm grateful for that. I know some people find it weird to share your live in blog form but it's very therapetic and I don't regret anything I've ever written. I do hate how I tend to focus so much on the bad and not on the good. I mean, if you look at my posts there are a couple of posts about the good but I really write when there is bad going on. And that's not really fair. So just remember, everyday that I'm not writing is generally a good or even a great day. And lately, the good have outweighed the bad. And see, I'm posting good today!!!
I'm not saying that everything in my life is great... I do have some personal issues I have to deal with but it's not to do with anyone but me... Not relationship related or anything... Hopefully all will go well...
Well, I'm heading home this weekend to see the family and especially my pets. It's amazing how much I miss them when I don't see them for over a month. It's really hard to see people with dogs and horses and for me to know that mine are soo far away. I also really want to see my grandma. I really miss her and I don't call her enough. I'm gonna spend some time with her and maybe hang out with some friends but its gonna be a long week. But I will survive!!!
OH, on another note, have anyone seen the short film, "Chubb Chubbs"???? This 5:37 minute film won the Oscar for short film in 2002 and it is 5 minutes of pure joy. If you can get ahold of a copy, I recommend you see it!!! The Chubb Chubbs have a special place in my heart now!!! 5 stars all the way....
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