So Far, So Good....

Me and my guy guy on New Years!!

2005 hasn't been all that bad so far. I hung out with my friend today. We went to the movies and had a pretty good time. We saw "Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events" and it was a classic Jim Carey movie. I have read the entire series of these books so it wasn't quite up to par with what I expected. Still a really good movie though. We stopped at Walmart, not the one the ex works in, and bought some movies and had a fun time. It was just a good day. Yesterday I had one little itty bitty relapze when I came across a video clip of my ex. We were making a film for my cousin who was going to japan and he was joining me down by the river. He was walking down the hill and he walks over, out of the screen and you can hear him give me a kiss. That was a nice moment. A 'really-felt-loved' moment. Hopefully I can have those kinda moments with someone else. Maybe even my guy guy. He really is very sweet and charming and just nice to me. He makes me laugh. That's really what I need right now anyway. I really think he is a great guy. But, like I said, not ready for serious yet. I think that is gonna take me a while.
Today, I also chatted with the M&M's guy.. Can you believe that!! I regretted not talking to him and I just searched him out and chatted with him. OK, so I was a little sneaky about it. I didn't tell him I was interested in him, just kinda played dumb you know. I figure, if he gets interested in me then maybe we could go out, if not, that's ok, I do have my guy guy. I wouldn't want to hurt him anyway. But, I'm not going to let any opportunities pass me by. I did that for a year and a half. I have no clue if he will ever be interested. He saw my picture, the same one on this blog, I think I look good. If he's not interested then OK. Ball's in his court. Anyway, I figure its 2005, what the heck, just go for it...
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