Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Friday, December 31, 2004

Almost the New Year, A New Me....

OK, so how awesome is it that I vowed that I will give myself to the new year to get over him and I have a date to my new years party?!?!?! Yeah, I think that is kinda poetic. Well, I received another email from him today. He said he just started dating her....yeah right. Well, you know what, it really doesn't matter anymore. Sure, I'm not completely over him but my mind isn't focused on him anymore. Thoughts do wander his way but not sad thoughts. Not even bad thoughts. So any who, the annual Lisa's New Years party is coming. This will be the third year we have it. It's never really big but we usually have a lot of fun doing absolutely nothing!! Isn't that cool!!! We are just really close friends hanging out!! I love it. I love my friends!!! Well, I got the Jello shots made and some food ready, I need to make a beer run tomorrow and we'll be set. It's a celebration to get over the ass that was my boyfriend. Yippee!!!

Hopefully 2005 will be the year all my dreams come true!! 2005 is my year!! My life is gonna begin. I'm going to bring it in with everyone I love, everyone that is my friend because they love the person I am. I guess I'm having an 'I-love-my-friends' moment. I have them alot when we all hang out together!!

OK, for my New Years Resolutions!!!

  • 1. Get over him!
  • 2. Get a new job!
  • 3. Relocate!
  • 4. Lost 5 pounds to reach my goal weight!
  • 5. Work out and get a hot body!
  • 6. Spend more time with my Grandma!
  • 7. Tell the people close to me how much they mean to me!
  • 8. Give more hugs!
  • 9. Receive more hugs!
  • 10. Be a better person!

  • Geez, I hope I can do all these. It doesn't seem like a hard list to achieve!! Anyway, I guess I should go to bed. Tomorrow is my last day to miss him...Good thing I have my guy guy to help. I guess I don't have to be alone. I guess there is someone else in the world interested in me.... go figure...


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