Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Scary morning...

Molly and Me!!
Posted by Hello
This morning I woke up and went out to do my usual everyday chores. Feed the animals.. Well, my golden retriever, Molly, wasn't acting her usual self. She's 14 years old, actually she will be 15 this May and she is my world!! She's been with me since I was 11 and she is the best dog ever. She is always there for me when no one else is. Unconditional love... Anyway, because of her age, I freaked out!! I had to be at work at 8 but I went in late and had her at the vet's office when they opened their doors at 8. I put my family above my job, and Molly is my family.. It turned out to be her arthitis so the vet gave her a shot and sent her home. He said she was in really good shape for a 14 year old dog... That was good to hear. Anyway, I was only 45 minutes late to work...luckily I have a friend who covered for me. Yet again, I have great friends.. Just to let you know, I did stay after 45 minutes to make up the difference. So anyway, the scare this morning made me realize that my personal issues are not that important. I can't even imagine what I would do without Molly. I know I need to start realizing that she is getting older and she won't be around forever, but she means the world to me.

Everyone should have a dog. I actually have three. Molly, Bristol (a great dane) and Stella (Bristol's daughter). I love them all equally but of course Molly has been with me through thick and thin. I also have a 14 year old Quarter Horse, BarBea, I've had her for 12 years and I a ferret, Sid, who I just got in October. I also have three turtles, Squirt, a painted turtle and Thorpe and Phelps, red eared sliders.. Let me tell you what, you would never guess how attached you can get to turtles. They are the coolest pets!! Anyway, this is a strange post...

Let's get back to the nitty gritty. So, my guy guy called me last night. You know all that stuff I was gonna tell him, yeah, I chickened out. I just like talking to him so much that I just couldn't cause friction or freak him out. I was soo glad to hear from him. He actually called tonight too to tell me he would be playing his drums at a bar. It was too late of a notice for me to go though. That really sucks cause I don't want him to ever feel like I'm not interested... I try not to do that to people I'm interested in!! Anyway, in other news, I got an email from a hot younger guy. I don't know what can come from it. I've dealt with the age thing before and it didn't end all that well but damn, he's a hottie.. It's crazy. I would like to beat myself everytime I look at a younger guy.. How horrible is that?!?!?! Anyway, it's nice to have a cutie interested in me.

OK, well, I guess that's enough chit chat for tonight. Hopefully I'll have something really interesting to post in the future. Right now, my life is kinda boring.. Anyway, I guess I like drama.....


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