Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Night on the town...

OK, had a pretty good night last night. Well, until I got sick that is.... So, some of my bestest friends invited me to go see a local band, "Transient", at a bar in Marietta. 8 of us piled in a borrowed vehicle and I truly believe it took us an hour and a half to get to the bar when it is usually a 45 minute drive... Oh well, it was fun and we had our drinks. Anyway, two of the guys I see quite often, I met two girls who I'll probably hang with more, and my brother and two of his friends. It was really fun.

We got to the bar, I was probably already over my limit already, and the band freakin' rocked!! I did get have to go in the restroom and make myself puke to make me feel better but then my guy friends picked up the slack and helped sober me up. Course, I had to hang out out side in the freezing weather but I eventually got well enough to....well, everything wasn't spinning so fast anymore. It's always cool when local bands play because usually the bar is packed with locals. People I went to school with and stuff like that. People you don't see very often, only when you have a common interest in a band. Hell, really, I have only met the lead singer in the band once, at the same bar watching a different band... It's all cool though. We all got home safe and sound.

What I find truly interesting is the way guys treat a girl when she is drunk. This morning, I was thinking back to last night. Now my two guy friends who took care of me, they don't apply but the other guys that were with us, plus we added one of the way home, well, geez, they sure do get friendly when I girl has been drinking. And, you know, I'm not gonna down anyone but hell, one of them is engaged. But you know, it's not like a drunk girl gets defensive when I guy touches her. I mean, I admit, I enjoyed the attention. I just find it funny thats all.. The atmosphere is totally different when you are sober, but man, drink like two and everyone becomes touchy feely. That's OK, because we all know my guy guy isn't touchy feely and some times a girl just wants to be touched. Damn it!! ehehehhehe...

Speaking of my guy guy, well, he didn't even call me yesterday. I called him on my way to the bar when I was already lit but I think I can take the hint that he doesn't like me. I don't know, but I think it might be that way. I mean, I haven't seen him since like the 7th. Do I need to take the hint? I'm sure I can find someone else, it just sucks cause well, yeah, I kinda liked him. He was kinda a great package. Fun, made me laugh, cute, a good kisser *when he did kiss me* and a gentleman. Well, I guess the man hunt is on again.....damn, that sucks...


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