Another day...

Ha, like my new shirt??? hehehehhehee...
Well, it's raceday!! Jr is 42nd so it's really kinda boring. Go figure. Well, my weekend kinda sucked. I did hang out with my friend Saturday night and that was fun. He's going to keep me in mind for any singles that he knows. My other friend had to work late so I didn't get to see him either. Oh well... life goes on..
I got an email from an old friend in Ohio. A friend that's always good at giving me a slap-in-the-face-get-over-it advice. I love that. Every once in a while, that is what I need to get me out of my pity party and living again. I'm getting back on the horse and riding away. Not looking back anymore.
There's only good things to come for me. I've been drug down too much, it's time to start making things happen for me. I usually always get what I want. I haven't changed so I imagine I can STILL get what I want. So, I come...
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