Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Friday, September 08, 2006

Took a hit...

Well, I kinda took a hit yesterday. Realized the ex had moved on which is a good thing but you know that feeling you get when you realize they have moved on from you is really, well.....sucky... That kinda ate at me yesterday. I'm pretty much over him but I still have some head issues to deal with. I wasn't holding on by no means and it's not like I haven't been seeing people, just the first shock... But, now that shock is gone. The only shock I have to handle now is seeing him...or seeing him out with someone else. So, I think I'm doing really good. I'm in a good position.

I'm going to the county fair tonight with a friend. That should be loads of fun...OK not really but it's better than not going and setting at home doing nothing which I have gotten great at. I'm a master at it. One great thing about living can be naked all the time... AWESOME!! Anyway, I better head off to work..

I'm good, I really am....


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