Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Waitin' on Rain!!! The Pepsi 400 is tonight. My racing buddy is there without me. With the lack of money, I couldn't go even though he called me while I was in Mooresville to see if I was available. The green flag was delayed over 2 hours for rain. It's about time to get it started. Yippee...maybe Dale Jr will do good night!!

OK, so the trip to Columbus was alright. I wasn't impressed with the advertising agency but the commercial turned out cool as hell!!! I spent the whole day being referred to as "the chauffeur" and then asked what high school I go too... that really sucked!!! OH well, I guess everyone has their days. OK, so I got a call for an interview today... not a good interview in Mooresville either but just a crap job around here. OH well, I'll go and see what pans out.

Today was a beautiful day, lots of sun and breeze. My mother and I worked on my turtle/duck pond all day long... Yep, the ducks are still alive and thriving in their new habitat. Of course I'm gonna include a pic!!

Here is a picture of the turtle/duck pond.. I dug it myself!!

Harriet and Lloyd seem to enjoy relaxing in their new pool!

Phelps loves to catch some sun!!

Here is Squirt and Thorpe chillin' in there new pad!!

OK, so the last installment of Poems from the Past is upon us.. I have some other random poems I will post later on but here is the last official bunch..... enjoy....


To touch a star,
To breathe the sky
To exist only on a
Breeze in the open
Wilderness of a universe.
Tossing planets
Mythically like
white sand on
black top.
To be a star
That breathes the
Sky, only in a dream.


Glitter water catches light
And makes it dance.


She held on tight but maybe too long,
He pulled her under and showed her
The future. She struggled loosely,
To stay in the present, but the premonition
Of knowing the future, she couldn't bare.
The future was shown and came too fast,
Now she lies on the bottom in an ugly mass.
He would show her mangled body
Rust-covered, in pieces to a world who still
Thought her beautiful. Yet some people cried
For she didn't just destroy her future, but
The lives of those which she carried. They traveled
The ship of dreams, only to end on a cold, calm night.
Heaven breathed down apon
Them and carried their cries, ending their pain.
She held on too long, and now she knows,
But she'll be remembered as long as the wind blows.

The crack

A tiny gully is this crack,
It's life collection
Reflexes its tedious existence
By which man has created.
Within the crack the world echoes
An empty moan.
Death exists in the crack, like the future.


Silent laughter
Heard by a deaf man
The mime was being tortured
The audience applauded.

Ship of Dreams

A ship of dreams she once was called
Now deep in the ocean lies her hull.
Rusted and mangled; dead to the earth,
Many lives were lost under her fateful curse.
The echo of arrogance still sits on the waves,
That once hushed the cries of all who were not saved.
Some people say that the night lives on
But in reality the ship of dreams in gone.
The grandest ship to ever set sail
Was doomed at port and succeeded to fail.
Fearless they went into the unpredictable sea
But the last song they heard,
Nearer my god to thee.


A mystic smile, dark, silent.
He taps his wand upon a box.
Like waking from a dream, it disappears.
The smile again.
He turns to a table, taps again,
The box appears.
Smile again.
The magic surprises many and
The smile teases all
But look closer
Cause up his sleeve he hides
His tricks.


The water sparkles
Live a million adoring fans
Are trying to take a picture
Of the beauty that does not
Exist in my life.

Wild romance

Our souls shook hands
By means of our tongues
Then the roof of our cab blew off
And no one seemed to notice
Our relationship flew out the back
And came crashing to the ground.
I just smiled, sat back
And enjoyed the fall into his eyes.


The sky is swept with strands of color
As the setting sun paints the days farewell
Memories fill my mind like mystical spirits they decend
To capture and possess my heart.
Filling it with beauty much like
The golden twilight.


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