Life is going good.....
Well, I started my new job and everything is going great. I jumped right in and didn't really need any training because I knew everything already. I have my own desk, my own phone line, my own computer. I mean, it's the coolest thing so far!! Still not my dream job, but it's getting better!! Plus I have benefits which are kick a$$!!! It's all good. I have three weekends off a month. It's just really cool. Plus, I get paid well. Anyway, so with that going on, me and Pit Guy get to spend our evenings together. We've had a really good week. We've been getting along pretty great. Kinda makes me smile....a lot!! He leaves tomorrow for the racetrack though and he's gonna be gone all weekend. That is gonna suck pretty bad. I'm gonna miss him like crazy!!! I guess I'll get alot of R&R in. Much needed!! Maybe clean the house....wash my car....stuff like that. Anyway, I suppose I better head off to work. Oh, by the way, I FINALLY won at Poker Night!!!! 25 dollars, all mine. Beat out all my guys friends....well, four of them!! They wasn't very happy but I finally proved my skills!!! Talk about fun!!! Anyway, I gotta get....later dudes....
Glad to hear about the job. And congrats on Poker!
I just taught the game to my kids.
5:26 PM
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