UP and OVER!!!!!
Well, well, well..... Tomorrow I go UP and OVER!!! At freakin' 8:05 a.m. I will be 26 years old.... Do you even know how CLOSE that is to 30!!!!! Gawd, and I thought 25 was gonna be rough!!! GEEZ!!! Oh well, at least I got out of my parents house before I turned 26. That was something I wanted really really bad. Heck, probably if you backtracked in the blog, I probably said that somewhere. So, tomorrow Pit Guy and Roush Pit Guy both head out to Bristol for the race on Wednesday night. Therefore, I will be all alone on my birthday. Well, probably not, I can always hang with Pit Guy's sister, who I will dub "Cool Chick" and her boyfriend "Funny Guy". I am also getting to be better friends with some of Pit Guy's other friends, "Giggles" (who is a guy...hehehehe) and "Cheese". See, I gotta give everyone a nick on my blog. It's more fun that way.
Anyway, so Saturday night was party night. Me and Pit Guy headed a couple exits down and picked up Cheese and then headed to Beeker's house.... Cool Chick and Funny Guy were there along with Giggles and some others. Let me tell you what, I am getting pretty damn kick ass at Texas Hold'em. There were two girls playing and 4 guys and the girls were the final too!!! Yep, one was me. Of course the other girl had the chip lead but then she decided to leave the party so I let Funny Guy (who freakin' always beats me) take over her chips.... Big mistake because of course I ended up losing but I got my 5 bucks back since he was already out of the game anyway... But the only reason I started playing bad was because it was 2:30 a.m. and I had to be at work at 7:00 a.m. I needed to hurry it all along. It was a very good game so I was pretty proud of myself.
So, the last couple of weeks have been pretty exciting. My manager at the hotel got horribly sick and basically quit so we now have a new manager that is shaking things up. Doesn't really effect me because I only have less than two weeks left but I have a feeling things are taking a turn for the worst. The bad thing is, I've gotten pretty close to everyone I work with there. They all are such awesome people and I hope that we can stay friends long after I'm gone. The new manager really likes me so I don't think it would have gotten bad for me but I don't like the way he talks down to others. Plus, I adored the old manager. He was a great guy and I'm gonna miss him alot too!! I'll have to send him a card or something. Hopefully he'll get better and get everything sorted out.
The county fair in Ohio was this past week and I sent some pictures to my other to put in the Photography classes. I came out making 18 dollars with my pictures. I got a couple blue ribbons, a couple red ribbons, and some whites. I guess it kinda keeps me in touch with everyone up home.

Harriett loves her picture taken!!

Took this picture in a butterfly hut at the State Fair last year.

Actually, this picture I even developed myself in a dark room.. Pretty cool, huh!!

Go figure my new favorite pasttime would win a ribbon!!!

Both of these are mine.
Another good thing that has come from my moving... My parents actually DO things together. They go watch my brother pull his truck at the county fairs instead of setting at home all weekend long. They are getting out of the house and socializing!! I love that. I hate to think I might have been the reason they never got out of the house, but I'm glad they are doing things. My mother takes her camera all over the place and sends me pictures of everything that's going on. Another good thing. She's getting to be a better photographer.
Today I got a package in the mail. I thought it was my garment bag I ordered from Amazon.com for my dress for my cousin's upcoming wedding. But when I opened it, it was full of birthday gifts from my parents. How nice was that!?!?!?! I mean, sure, it might have only been some hand soaps and kitchen supplies but each thing was wrapped up and I even got my James Dean DVD box set that I really wanted!!! It was really nice, complete with a sappy card that brought a tear to my eye. It's amazing how moving away will really make you realize how much your parents love you. I always appreciated my parents and I always knew I had the most kick ass parents around but we don't really show love all that much in my family. Now, I just feel it all the time. It's very cool.
Well, I've covered alot in this post but I still haven't told you all that I am actually gonna fly to Cincinnati for my cousin's wedding. I haven't been on a plane since I was in the sixth grade. And I've never flown alone. It should be a pretty cool experience. I'm rather excited about it. So, hopefully, all will go well and when I get back, I'll start my new job, the new season of The OC will be on and life will continue to get better and better....
Geez, people were right when they say things can only get better!!!
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