Crazy things, but all good....
Well, it's been a little while since I've posted. I figured I would include some pictures of my trip home and then I got a picture that my mother took when she was down here of me on my porch. So here they are....

OK, so now that that's outa the way I can start explaining the crazy things. So, as I said in my previous post I got a call for the job in Statesville. Well, I went for the drug test last Thursday and last Friday the lady called to find out when I wanted to start. I delayed calling her back until the weekend so I knew I wouldn't need to tell Days Inn till Monday morning. So I was still kinda worried about Pit Guy and what was up with him. He called me from the track at about 1:45 am Saturday morning I had to work at 7 but I was very glad he did. He was scheduled to get home around noon on Saturday and I knew he would go home and sleep for a while so when I got off work I also came home and took a nap, waiting for him to call. Well around 6 o'clock, Roush Pit Guy stops over. We just set around and watch TV but I was actually waiting for Pit Guy to call. He never did and around 8:30 Roush Pit Guy said I needed to get out of the house so we went to see "Dukes Of Hazzard" (kick ass movie!!) While I was setting in the theater at 9:15 my cellphone starts vibrating and it was Pit Guy. Of course I didn't answer it because I was watching the movie but it was killing me to know what his message was.
After the movie was over around 11, I listened to the message and he said he had stopped by the house and I wasn't home and he wondered where I was at. So I was gonna call him when I got back home and Roush Pit Guy left. When we pulled in, Pit Guy's car was in the driveway. When I opened the door, Pit Guy was asleep on the couch. Roush Pit Guy stayed for about 15 minutes and talked then he left. This was when everything gets weird....
Pit Guy was kinda upset that I went out with Roush Pit Guy. My only answer to him was I wasn't gonna set around on a Saturday night and wait for him to call. He then went on to tell me that his ex-fiance from five years ago called him around 4:00 and she was in town so they met for dinner. He took a friend with him. Well, I guess during the dinner he asked her to stay the night and she refused. He told me all of this to be honest. OK, yeah, I was kinda mad because he didn't call me until 9:15. I see where I stand. After I explained that to him and if he has all the baggage to just leave me out of it, he went on to explain how he wanted to introduce me to her so she could see how well he was going and how he has a beautiful girlfriend and a great job. This still didn't make me very happy but I was handling it pretty well considering. I mean, he did tell me everything but yeah, felt like a knife to my heart...BUT we have only known eachother for a month so I couldn't get too bent out of shape. He went on to tell me what she did to him, which included wrecking his car and cheating on him. She was the reason he moved away and if she hadn't existed I might have never met him. Hey, we all have someone in our past that really did a number on us. Heck, that's why I started my blog in the first place.
Anyway, so I handled that situation well and I didn't get too worked up over it. It was good. He was here with me so for the time that is all that matters. I am really working on my jealousy thing because I know I'm a horrible jealous person which has to do with my low self esteem but when Pit Guy looks at me, I feel beautiful. He makes me believe I'm beautiful. It's a great feeling. Anyway, so I went to work the next day and came home and he was here. I like coming home to him. Anyway, we laid around on the couch all evening watching the race. Roush Pit Guy stopped over again and watched the race with us. I actually slept through it. Jr wrecked out way early. After Roush Pit Guy left, Pit Guy made me get ready and he took me out to eat at a pretty fancy restaurant. It was kinda cute because it was like a real date, boyfriend/girlfriend thing.
As you know, the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing, couple not a couple issue is a weird one for him. He introduces me as his girlfriend and we are not to see other people but we are not an official couple. I just kinda humor him on the deal because I believe if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and acts like a duck.....It's a duck so I figure in actuality we are a couple because we look and act like a couple. This leads me to my next weird thing....
Tuesday night is designated poker night at his sister's house. We went over and he actually had me call Roush Pit Guy to come over and he called some of his friend....who never showed. Only an ex girlfriend showed up. I had met her before at another poker game and she kinda hung on Pit Guy the whole night but it was like my second week here so I didn't feel I could get pissed. Well this time, it was obvious that we were there together so she best keep her hands off. I had discussed it with Pit Guy a couple of days earlier how I noticed her hanging on him that night and he had said she always did that when he had a new girlfriend to piss her off so he would get yelled at. I told him that I had her pegged and she wasn't pretty anyway so I didn't get too jealous about it. But tonight was a different story.
We were all playing poker and drinking. I was seated next to Pit Guy and his sister's fiance and Roush Pit guy was across the table. All night long Roush pit guy was calling me sweetie... It made it really weird but anyway, the girl took a seat next to Pit guy. She wasn't really hanging on him but I heard him say to her in a lower voice, "We are not a couple". OK, so that went right through me. That was basically an invitation for her to hang on him and do whatever. I didn't say anything, I just quickly lost my chips and left the table and called my friend to discuss it. It was getting to be around 11:45 and I had to work at 7 in the morning so I was ready to go plus I was pissed and wanted to tell him about it in private. Well, I looked at him and said, "I'm leaving in two minutes." He said, "Oh babe, get me a beer." I got him a beer and walked out the door. I sat in my car for like five minutes thinking he might come out to see what was up but he never did. Roush Pit Guy's truck was blocking me so I called him on his cell and he came out and moved it and I left. Left Pit Guy there to fend for himself. OK, so it probably wasn't the best move I've made but if we were not a couple then I didn't really have any obligiation to him then.
That night I couldn't sleep at all and I puked all night long... I wasn't drunk or anything, just terribly upset over the situation. Well good ole Roush Pit guy called me and told me he was coming home because Pit Guy and the girl went up stairs together. OK, yeah, did wonderful things for me. Of course seeing how Roush Pit guy has a crush on me, any time to paint Pit Guy as an asshole works to his advantage but Pit Guy was pretty drunk and I did leave him there, if he decided to spend the night with her, I couldn't really blame him. All his stuff and his car was at my place though so he had to come back there in the morning. I took my shower at 5am because I couldn't sleep and he came in the door at about 5:15. I was in my towel in the bathroom and he came in and tried to kiss me. I pretty much told him to "stay the f*ck away from me." He then figured out I was pisssed at him which threw him for a loop because he was supposed to be pissed at me for leaving him. I asked him if she was worth it. I told him that Roush Pit Guy had called. I told him I overheard what he said to her. He looked dumbfounded and he went back to bed. I sat on the couch until it was time for work and left. I figured he would have taken his stuff with him when he left for work that morning but I really didn't want him to. I didn't want it to be over, I just wanted him to decide what I am to him. So, after a long 8 hour day, I get home and I'm glad to see his shoes still by the door and his watch on the table and his bathroom stuff still in place. I then did what I usually don't do, I took a muscle relaxer and went to bed.
Much needed sleep..... He came in a little after 5 and laid down with me. Rubbing my back and all. I slept to about 7 and he had stuff he had to do so he left and then came back later. This was when I had to big discussion with him about what we are and how bad it hurt me, what he said. He finally seen the error of his ways. He actually couldn't believe he said that in front of me. I told him that if we were not a couple then we are going to back off and I wanted my key back. If we are then we can stay the way we are right now. We don't have to be like a terribly serious couple but we are either a couple or we are not. He said, whatever I wanted to be was fine with him. He loved me and didn't want to lose me.
That was nice to hear and it's been pretty great since then but we will see how it all pans out. What's funny is all this time we were not an official couple he was telling the guys he worked with about his girlfriend and the Roush Pit Guy trying to date me. So, they all hate Roush Pit Guy and actually called him a homewrecker. See, is that messed up or what. I mean, if we are not a couple then why tell everyone you work with about your girlfriend and all. I mean, I would keep it on the down low myself. He hasn't had a serious girlfriend since his ex-fiance. His girlfriends since were less that a week. I'm the first one that's lasted this long. I guess that says something right. OH well, and These are the days of our lives.....
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