Follow me through my climb out of the pits of breakup depression into the beautiful sunlight of independence and self-confidence... It might be a long journey, but hey, what else do you have to do????

Friday, July 22, 2005

What ARE the chances?????

OK, so as you can tell it is 5:18 a.m. on Friday morning. I am up because Pit Guy spent the night with me and his ride comes at 6:00 to get him to fly out to Memphis, so I have to be the bad guy and get him up early and take him home. So anyway, a very interesting thing happened last night. So Pit Guy was here and at 1:38 a.m., who calls? My EX!! Yeah, the ex who stomped on my heart and crushed it into a million itty bitty pieces. That EX!! OK, so Pit Guy picked up my phone when it started ringing and told me it was an Ohio number so I answered it. The screen had went dark by the time I got it so I didn't have a clue who it was. It was someone saying, 'Lisa, can you hang up so I can call your voicemail.' I kept saying, 'who is this??' After I hung up, I looked at the number and low and behold it was the ex's cell number. Well, he calls back... OK, I was doing a little drinking and so was Pit Guy so he answered the phone when the EX called back... I know that is very mean but, hey, don't call and try to bring me down from my new life high!! WE ALL KNOW how long it took me to get over him!! Anyway, so after he hangs up on Pit Guy, I call him back and asked him what he wanted. He said he just wanted to tell me he was sorry and to have a good life and he wished me well. That he had been having a bad week and he wanted me to know that. I was like "what the f*ck ever!!" I did thank him for cheating on me because I wouldn't be here if he didn't. I feel bad because I'm sure he felt bad when a guy answered my phone. I mean, it was 1:38 a.m. and why else would a guy be with me??? But it is poetic justice because had I been alone, it would have tore me up. Again, I will say it, "life is good"!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa up at 5:18am on a Friday morning you got to be kidding me !!!! hehehehe

1:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and just what did you find to do ALL night !!!??? lol

1:06 PM


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